Monday, July 24, 2006

Sixth Week

I'm now on my 6th week of gestation. About two weeks ago, I had a hard time sleeping, wondering when my period will come. I've always had a longer than usual cycle (30-33 days) that's why we had to wait a while for us to assume that we're pregnant. The instance that I had the slightest hint was when I had an Implantation Bleeding (pinkish vaginal discharge). At day 35, I started feeling nauseous the whole day so we decided to take a home pregnancy test that night. My heart was pounding hard and fast, I couldn't bare to look as the two lines appeared on the test. I waited a few more minutes, trying to convince myself that this time it's true, it's positive. Slowly. I walked toward my husband to show him the result. I've never seen him that happy for a long while. Finally, we're having a baby! Not long after a few moments of celebrating, we told our parents. They were very joyful as they will be grandparents for the first time.
A week after that here I am, always craving for wanton noodles! Aside from the sore breasts, uncontrollable sleepiness, frequent trips to the lavatory and refrigerator , I'm doing fine. I guess the hormones haven't kicked in much yet. Being pregnant is the best thing that has happened to me so far. I've been informed that getting pregnant with PCOS isn't going to be easy. For a while I started to doubt the possibility. I've been bombarded with medicine just to have the slightest chance of conceiving. I still am under medication and I'm glad I was compliant or else, none of this would have happened.
My dear hubby is so supportive and attentive to my needs and wants. I couldn't ask for a better partner. Anyway, here's a very special thing I did entitled "Sweet Beginning". It's my first pregnancy layout.

Hip Mommy Kit by Summer Simmons @ Sugar Giggles

By the way, thank you to everyone who wished us well. We really appreciate all the good things that you have to say. And before I forget, here's something that I want to pass on to other women who is desirous of conceiving a child. I've always said this Prayer for Motherhood before I go to sleep at night. All it needs is a little faith.

Quiet Me Down Kit by Valerie Fowler @ The Digichick

Monday, July 17, 2006


It's all goood, baby! I'm off to my first Prenatal Check-up.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Are you having a baby?
If you are, there's a new kit by Summer Simmons called Hip Mommy.
It's a funky kit with bright colors and lotsa elements.

You can get it Here.