Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's good to be back!
I just had the longest three days of my life.
Spotting... bright red fresh blood. It scared the hell out of me...and the whole of our clans. There was a dark cloud that hung over us. Having these precious babies in mind, we sought medical help and was admitted for Threatened Abortion (intrauterine bleeding, with or without contractions, a closed cervix and no passage of products of conception). I had to stay at the hospital for two days for observation and complete bedrest (with no bathroom privileges).
At first, I thought the bleeding came from my urinary tract (assuming that I may have a small stone) but the urinalysis didn't confirm my hunch. Fortunately, the ultrasound showed that the twins are doing well, growing fast, very active, and there was no sign of bleeding from within. So, I had to take some medicine and had to be confined to the bedroom for two more months. I can't even go downstairs, much more go to the mall. The price I have to pay is high but I wouldn't want to risk having to lose my little ones. I don't think anybody would want that.
I thought something like this this won't happen to me but it did.
We're just glad that for the meantime, I'm feeling fine.
We're so grateful for the prayers and support that we've been getting from our family and friends. Most of all, I'm so thankful for having a husband like Jayson. I know he's tired but he never once complained.
Got to go and rest now. Til next time.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Love Times Two

Well, what do you know? We're having TWINS!
I'm still at loss for words.
Here they are, making their first appearance.

La Vie D'amour kit by Michelle Bradley @ Shelby Digital Design Shoppe
Twine and glass freebie by Sara Carling