Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Counting down

I've been a little busy this past week doing what i do best, shopping! Funny how one's priorities change when you have a child to think about, more so if you're having two. With all the sale going on, I couldn't buy something for myself. I'm feeling guilty about spending. However, I feel like I'm in shopping heaven when I'm at the kids department buying things for my babies needs. I only have a few weeks to prepare for their arrival and when that time comes, I want to be ready. My dad has been so patient driving me around town. He's not much of a traveller and he definitely hates going to the mall. I know he's also as thrilled as I am that's why he gives in to my requests. Talk about emotional black mail.

Anyway, I met with my bestfriend yesterday. She's the first person I have on my list of Godmothers for the twins. Probably, the best one for the job. It's unfortunate that we didn't have the luxury of time to spend together this time. Nevertheless, I'm glad for the time we had however short it was.

Counting down, just 3 more weeks before J arrives, and 7 weeks to go before I give birth to my babies. I hope we make it to 37 weeks. Time flies.

P.S. I've got a little secret and it won't be out til April.


Aggie said...

Leslie, Im so happy your pregnancy is going well and your two princes arent giving you a hard time. Stay safe and have fun shopping ;)
Btw, if you are still scrapping (I hope so!) we have a Pinay Scrappers Forum - http://phpdigiscrapper.prboards78.com.

Hope you have the time to join :D

PS. What's the secret? :P

my new bloggie bloggety

Aggie said...

Oops that is

Marj and Carlos said...

Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie! Enjoy the rest of our pregnancy! Have fun shopping!