Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Rant

November has gone really fast.  Went back to Manila to escort a patient.  I was so happy to be home even for just 5 days.  It was swift and busy, not a moment wasted. 

Then came December, slow December.  I've always been excited during the holiday season.  Now that I'm working, I dread it. Holiday means no income.  To top it off, I think Papua New Guinea has the most lazy government.  Every little thing is celebrated and declared a non-working Holiday.  I am feeling the crunch of paying my employees' undeserved holiday pay.  Imagine, they get to have 10 days of paid non-working holiday, while I on the other hand, lose income.  It's not good from my standpoint.  I'd rather work!  Never thought of myself as a workaholic, but when you need to pay the bills, the more patients the better.

The only thing that excites me this holiday is to see the look on my kids' faces when they open up their presents.  Other than that, I wish it were January already.

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