Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I finally had the time and energy to blog. Things have been so crazy and hectic that I couldn't find the time to write my thoughts.
Okay, so we've been having a hard time conceiving a child. For a while, we thought that we're already on the family way. I missed my period again and this time it's been two months. We tested 2 times and on both occasions, we got a BIG FAT NEGATIVE! So, what's wrong with me? I've been diagnosing myself and ruling out all the impossibilities. That's what's wrong! When we finally had the courage to face reality, we sought the help of a colleague. We went to her with an open mind and a hopeful spirit. Sometimes, it's so hard hope for the best when I know the many different possibilities. I'm so glad we did it. I prayed to God for strength, courage and to bless us with a doctor best suited for our needs. He gave us that. Truly, when you seek...you shall find. We're already on our thirty's. It means that time is of the essence. Nowadays, a couple who hasn't conceived within 6-12 months of having unprotected intercourse is considered an Infertile Couple. This is mostly true when you are desirous of pregnancy. Though I've read and encountered this before, nothing could ever prepare me for this moment. I had to be strong...for my sake and for my husband's as well. I'm so proud of him and thankful that he stood by my side every step of the way.
The following day, we underwent a fertility work-up. It was my first time to undergo a Transvaginal Ultrasound. As I've seen this procedure done many times before, I was daunted. I'm glad that it wasn't as painful as I've anticipated. The easy part was over...waiting for the result was the agonizing part. I couldn't eat or sleep. Hoping for the best. When we saw the result, we were relieved to know that there were no structural abnormalities with my reproductive system and that my problem could just be hormonal. Sigh. We're both taking some medication to increase our chances of conceiving. I hope things go our way soon. Fingers crossed!
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Weekend came and I'm off to being a Godparent for the nth time. Not that I'm complaining, I'm actually proud that she trusted me with such a responsibility. She is Sabrina Isabelle,a meek and darling child. Ina is the first child of Mae (my buddy in medschool) whom I spent my classes and lunchbreaks with. We've always teased her on how slowly she does things. For the first time, she got ahead of me by being the first one to have a child. I'm so happy for her. Things may not have worked out for her in the past, but I know now that she's living the life that she has always wanted. She looks so happy and contented, it shows in the way that she cares for husband and her daughter Ina. I just hope I could live up to her expectations.

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Before the day ended, we attended Kaela's 7th birthday party next door. My dad was always fond of her. She reminded him of me when I was still young. We went to the same school, she loves Sanrio, she's dark and slim... no wonder! Children's party has a way of making me feel good. Specially when it's time to have a piece of the cake. What a day!

Best of all...My momma's home! Hurray! Snap, snap!
I was so glad to see her again! She gained a couple of pounds, seem more shapely and voluptuous. Oh my mama! Where's my pasalubong? I'm so excited to see what's inside the balikbayan box! To prolong my longing, we dropped by Duty free first. I thought I'd be able to buy a chemise but I was disappointed that Lacoste didn't carry the style that I wanted. Dad bought the checkered brit poloshirt, Jayson bought his Italian sole, and me...None! I'm so envious but I wouldn't buy anything half-heartedly. When we reached the house, I immediately opened the box. And there it was, my big C duffle bag! I just love it. I'm so glad I didn't buy anything at dutyfree. What I got was more than I wanted. Thanks mom! Welcome home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You try taking prenatal vitamin (ask your OBGYN or you can use over the counter). Your husband should be taking it too!

It worked for us and our friends too (actually, one of these friends recomended it to us before our first child, I have two sons). We been doing it every time we want to get pregnant.