Thursday, April 21, 2005

You Can't do That!

You can't:
1. Tell me not to use my car just because you're borrowing it
2. Ask me to go home early when in fact, I just left the house
3. Tell me what to do with my own hair unless you're my mom
4. Tell me to wear make-up just to make me look matured
5. Tell me not go to the beach just because I don't swim well
6. Tell me what to do with my blog, if you want it differently then you should apply it in your own blog
7. Stop me from voicing out my thoughts and feelings, that's what blogs are for
8. Tell me nasty things just because it pleases you and your big ego
9. Be mad forever. To err is human, to forgive...divine.
10. Be cruel to animals

You just can't do that!
I better stop ranting.


Me said...

despite everything else, here's wishing you a great weekend ahead ;)

talhey said...

may you still have a great and fun weekend, take care! :D